We had a great HFPE meeting last week on keeping our family history (along with a fantastic dinner). Different sisters were asked to bring in and then talk about how they keep their family history. One had a collage of family pictures along with some sweet notes written by her husband to her in their early marriage. When her children were on missions, she also kept a copy of all emails and letters she wrote to them, and those they wrote to her and printed them out (there were pictures along with them) and that was a record of their missions. There were several scrapbookers, to various degrees, personal journals, family journals including one which contained only "happy" things. A journal of Christmases and family traditions. Another idea was to have a baby's first year calendar on which to jot in those small squares what your baby did in their first year. The limits of space and 1 year time were big advantages. I showed the "big book about me"s that I do each New Years for each of my kids. I take those inexpensive photo albums (4x6") that I pick up at Target, and insert photographs, lists of likes, trips taken, etc. also pictures the kids have drawn, including a self-portrait and sample of handwriting, for smaller kids I trace their hands or use footprints. I use a lot of clip art and stickers to go along with their lists of likes and favorites. They love looking at them year round, in fact, I have to hide them to keep them in tact.