Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"I spy" Christmas ornaments

Each year at Christmas my kids exchange homemade ornaments with their cousins instead of presents. This year we made "I spy" ornaments. Another 1st grader mom and myself came up with the idea, and she wrote the poem on the tag:
I spy 2 snowflakes, a star from the night,
A golden ring, and a Christmas light;
A holly leaf, a snowman, a little white dove,
2 bells, a present, and a heart full of love.
We are making them with our daughters' first grade class at their Christmas party on Friday.
They are super simple to make. I ordered the empty craft ornament balls (4-inch) off of ebay. I then filled one side of the ornament with Polypellets (1c.) purchased at Walmart. I then put in 10 small Christmas-y items: confetti snowflakes;heart, holly leaf, and star beads, "gold" ring and tiny dove (from the bridal dept at Hobby Lobby), miniature Christmas light, and present (from Hobby Lobby's miniature doll house dept), 2 types of small bells, and a snowman button. I glued the 2 halves together, tied on the tag and a ribbon, and that is it. They have been a huge hit.