The following was written by my 11-yr-old son.
A bad dude in a cowboy hat walks into a saloon in a bad western movie. He's looking dangerous and mad. His name was Jose Noshusura and he ordered 6 jugs of whiskey and 4 jugs of beer. He spat on someones boots on the way in. and chewed his tobacco and jerky as he waited for his drinks. As soon as he got the drinks, Jose mixed them and left, spitting on the same guy's boots again. He hopped onto his steed and took a swig of his mixture as he left in a cloud of dust.
Farther up the road, a small dust devil clouded his sight as his horse tripped and Jose Noshusura landed face first in a patch of cactus. His face, now covered in sharp cactus spines, scowled angrily as he saw his steed dead, his drink jugs empty, and his tobacco gone "censored!" he cried and he instantly wished he hadn't. A sheriff appeared with a big gun in his hand. Suddenly a thief came along and hit the sheriff with a makeshift mace, made from a cactus, skewered by a big stick. He took the gun and gave it to Jose and they snuck off into some tribal Indian burial ground where they were instantly skewered by an Indian with a spear and shield, he was Chief Sitting Bull! The thief and Jose were burned in South Dakota and the wind carried the ashes away. Then the Indians, the sheriff, and the guy with spit on his boot were all very happy.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Quilting Kick
I have been on a quilting kick lately. Here are a couple of recent finishes. I used a tutorial on the circle quilt, though I couldn't find it to reference it here. Anyway, the idea was not mine, but if you wanted to do it, cut 6-1/2 inch squares from muslin. For the circles, trace an old cd and cut them out. Eyeball to center the circle on the square, pin, and zigzag the edges. Easy peasy.
I made up the baby girl quilt on the fly, ripping different widths and then sewing it all together again. My fabric selection is not the best (for me, fabric selection is much harder than actually sewing the quilt), but I'm learning.
I didn't sew the windmill quilt, my rockin' mom made it for little Max. It is snuggle-y and bright, a perfect combo for a new little boy.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
My First Marzipan Effort
Friday, September 2, 2011
Fast Max

Here is itty-bitty Max on day 1 after a crazy labor that lasted less than 1 hr, only 10-15 minutes were actually intense. He was born with only my husband and me in the room, which earned him the above nickname from the nurses. My first completely all-natural childbirth. Yeah for me. We were discharged from the hospital about 12 hours after he was born.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Gentry Bean's Quilt

For Gentry's 2nd birthday (waaaaay back in April) I made her a quilt using a tutorial from Cluck Cluck Sew (here). I love all of her tutorials, they are fun and easy to follow. It is great that quilting is no longer just for old-er ladies.
Speaking of quilting, I found the coolest (maybe too cool for me) quilt shop in Denver, . A small store packed with the neatest fabrics, just don't confuse it with the Fancy Tiger clothing store across the street. I went a little crazy there, and don't regret it a bit.
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